11 Hawaii Phrases Only Locals Can Say—Can You Keep Up

11 Hawaii Phrases Only Locals Can Say—Can You Keep Up?

Living in Hawaii is an experience that changes you. From the moment you arrive, you’re greeted by the stunning landscapes, the laid-back lifestyle, and of course, the unique local culture.

One of the most distinctive elements of that culture is the language—specifically, the Hawaiian Pidgin English (also called “Pidgin”) and Hawaiian words that locals use in everyday conversation.

If you’ve lived in Hawaii long enough, these words will become second nature, and you might even catch yourself saying them without thinking. But how many of these words can you say? Let’s dive into 11 words that prove you’ve lived in Hawaii too long—and if you’re not familiar with them, it might be time to take a crash course!

**1. Aloha
The quintessential Hawaiian greeting. It means “hello,” “goodbye,” and even “love” depending on the context. If you’ve lived in Hawaii, you probably greet everyone with a cheerful “Aloha!”—and it’s not just for tourists. It’s a way of life.

**2. Pau
When something is finished, it’s “pau.” Whether you’ve completed a task, eaten your meal, or wrapped up your workday, you’ll hear this word used constantly. Example: “The dishes are pau.”

**3. Grinds
Food. Delicious, locally-inspired dishes and treats are often referred to as “grinds.” From plate lunches to loco moco, if you’ve been in Hawaii long enough, you know the importance of grinds. Example: “Let’s go get some grinds after work.”

**4. Da Kine
Ah, “da kine.” It’s one of the most famous and versatile Hawaiian words. It can refer to anything, from a person, to a thing, to an action. It’s the local way of saying, “You know what I mean” or “the thing I’m talking about.” Example: “Pass me da kine over there.”

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**5. Shaka
A simple gesture made with a raised pinky and thumb, the “shaka” is more than just a hand sign. It’s a symbol of “hang loose” or “take it easy.” It’s often used to convey approval, friendliness, or gratitude. You’ll probably find yourself throwing a shaka in the air when you’re feeling good. Example: “Aloha! Shaka!”

**6. Howzit
A casual way of asking “How’s it going?” or “How are you?” If you’ve lived in Hawaii, you might hear this greeting often, especially if you’re talking to friends. Example: “Howzit, brah?”

**7. Broke Da Mouth (Broke da mouf)
This phrase is used to describe food that is so good, it’s almost indescribable—“broke da mouth” refers to how delicious it is. If you’ve lived in Hawaii, you’ve probably used it to describe your favorite plate lunch or local snack. Example: “This poke is broke da mouth!”

**8. Kanak Attack
When you’re super hungry and need to eat something now, you’ve got a “kanak attack.” This phrase is often used jokingly to describe those moments when your stomach is growling and you’ve got to get to food ASAP. Example: “I’m starving! I got a kanak attack!”

**9. Lau Lau
A traditional Hawaiian dish made by wrapping meats or fish in taro leaves and then steaming them. It’s a beloved part of local cuisine, and if you’ve lived in Hawaii long enough, you’ve likely eaten it and referred to it as simply “lau lau.” Example: “You want some lau lau for lunch?”

**10. Local
In Hawaii, a “local” doesn’t just refer to someone who’s from Hawaii—it refers to a person who understands the culture, the lifestyle, and the unique customs of the islands. It’s not about where you were born, it’s about how you’ve adapted to island life. Example: “She’s one of the locals around here.”

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**11. Cuz
Short for “cousin,” “cuz” is used to refer to both family members and close friends. It’s a term of endearment and camaraderie that reflects the strong sense of community in Hawaii. Example: “What’s up, cuz?”


Living in Hawaii for an extended period of time means more than just getting used to the weather and landscape—it’s about learning the language and lifestyle of the islands. If you can say these 11 words and phrases with ease, then you’re undoubtedly part of the local culture.

Whether you’re a lifelong resident or someone who’s just visited, these words capture the true essence of Hawaii and its aloha spirit. So, can you say them all?

If not, you’ve got some work to do before you can officially call yourself a “local!”

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