Heartbreaking: Man Convicted in the Murder of His 16-Year-Old Ex-Girlfriend

Heartbreaking: Man Convicted in the Murder of His 16-Year-Old Ex-Girlfriend!

A man named Deangelo Wooten, 27, has been sentenced to eight years in prison for shooting a 16-year-old girl he used to date.

This tragic event took place earlier this year and has raised serious concerns about youth violence.

The sentencing was announced by U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves and Chief Pamela A. Smith from the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

In January 2024, Wooten sent disturbing text messages to the girl, threatening her life. He wrote, “Imma shoot you dead in your face” and “On dior when I see you imma kill you.”

At that time, the girl believed Wooten was just trying to provoke a reaction from her with these messages. She didn’t take them seriously, thinking they were empty threats.

However, things took a dark turn when Wooten asked the girl to meet him to collect a pair of shoes.

The girl agreed to meet him and brought along two friends for safety. They arranged to meet Wooten at 13th Street and Congress Street in Southeast Washington, D.C.

When the girl and her friends arrived at the meeting point, they waited for Wooten to show up. He eventually arrived and quickly got out of his car to approach her.

According to the evidence presented, Wooten took the shoes from the girl using one hand while pulling out a gun with the other hand.

He pointed the weapon at her head and, without any warning, fired the gun while standing just a short distance from her.

In a desperate attempt to protect herself, the girl raised her arm. Unfortunately, the bullet struck her arm, causing a serious injury, and grazed her back as well.

After the shooting, Wooten simply walked away and drove off in his car, leaving the girl injured and terrified.

In July, Wooten faced the court and pleaded guilty to serious charges, including one count of aggravated assault while armed and one count of possession of a firearm during a crime of violence.

The judge sentenced him to eight years in prison for the aggravated assault charge.

Additionally, he received five years of supervised release after his prison term. For the charge of possessing a firearm during a violent crime, he was sentenced to six years in prison, which will run at the same time as his other sentence, along with three years of supervised release.

This case is a harsh reminder of the consequences of violent behavior, especially towards young individuals. The girl is now recovering from her injuries, and the community is left to grapple with the reality of such an alarming incident.

The justice system has acted, but the scars of this event will linger on for the young victim and those who care about her.

Through this case, authorities hope to raise awareness about the importance of taking threats seriously, especially among youth.

Violence should never be an option, and support is available for anyone facing such situations.

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