5 Animals That Don’t Have Eyes: How They See?

Be advised that not all animals have eyes. Approximately 96% of all animals have optical systems that allow them to see. Unfortunately, a tiny fraction of animals have eyes but are actually blind, and even fewer have no “eyes” at all! This post will talk about five incredibly strange animals that have no eyes or are fully blind! A sneak peek is provided here:

Prepare to discover some fascinating new skills that these creatures, despite their lack of sight, possess.

1. Texas Blind Salamander

The Texas blind salamander is an amphibian that can endure total darkness. Its skin has two black patches in place of eyes because seeing is not necessary. Because there isn’t enough light, it appears translucent white or pink. Vibrant red gills emerge from the throat region. The organism is born with these gills because it is suited to live in water and underground. It can support its weight because to its long, thin legs. The length of a Texas blind salamander ranges from 3 to 5 inches. Its tail fins make up a large amount of its body.


In the United States, these salamanders are extremely rare. They depend on an endless supply of cool, clean water from the Edwards Aquifer in Hays County, Texas, to survive. Thus, the “Texas” blind salamander got its moniker.


In their isolated habitat, Texas blind salamanders are the ones that feed on everything else. Nonetheless, the salamander’s main food sources are prawns and snails. By detecting minute variations in water pressure, it can identify its prey by detecting their movements.

2. Star–Nosed Mole

An extraordinarily unusual creature is the star-nosed mole. Its name comes from the 11 pairs of pink tentacles that are spread out like a star at the tip of its “snout.” It is the sole member of its tribe possessing touch organs, or “Eimer’s organs,” including around 25,000 microscopic sense receptors. These sensors aid in its sense of orientation. Consequently, it doesn’t require eyes!

It was previously believed that animals could not smell underwater, but the mole’s star-shaped nose makes this feasible. This implies that in the history of mammals, the star-nosed mole represents an extreme. It might even have the most delicate senses of any mammal living today!


The eastern region of North America, which comprises the United States and southeast Canada, is home to the star-nosed mole. It is also widespread throughout the Appalachians and from the Atlantic coast south to Georgia.

Numerous areas with damp soil, including fields, bogs, marshes, forests, and even cities, are home to star-nosed moles. They are typically found higher up and close to bodies of water.


Because of their excellent swimming abilities, star-nosed moles have been seen swimming beneath the Arctic’s frozen surface. For this species, therefore, the two main food sources are insects and aquatic life. Its main food sources are earthworms and water insects, but it also consumes fish, crayfish, snails, and small amphibians.

3. Hydra Freshwater

A genus of freshwater cnidarians is called Hydra. Like its cousins in saltwater, it possesses tentacles. Hydra has a “head,” a “foot,” and a tubular body. But it is devoid of muscles, a brain, and eyes. Rather, it is dependent upon its “nerve nets.” Its tentacle touch sensors and body wall photoreceptors are connected by these nets. These tentacles are used by hydras to detect and seize their prey.

Scientists are captivated by the capacity for regeneration possessed by Hydras, as they don’t seem to age. Yes, hydra stem cells have an endless capacity for self-renewal. When wounded, hydras can heal damaged tissue and even procreate by blossoming a new head!


Both tropical and temperate regions are home to hydras. Hydras inhabit diverse freshwater habitats. Ponds, lakes, and the slower-moving portions of streams and rivers are where they are primarily found. Sessile by nature, hydras spend their whole lives clinging to submerged wood, plants, or stones.


Hydras are predatory animals that consume a broad range of invertebrates, such as the larvae of insects and worms. They also consume fish larvae and tiny crustaceans. Before they eat them, they ensnare their victim in their tentacles and sting them to death!

4. The Wide-mouthed Blindcat

The widemouth blindcat is a type of catfish found in North America that lacks eyes! It is unique to the aquifers of Mexico and the Edwards Plateau in Texas; it is entirely white or pink in color.

Its name comes from the thick lips that encircle its mouth. The two membranes covering the gills are divided by folds in the lower jaw. This thing has a broad, flat head and a large, flat snout. The maximum length that a widemouth blindcat can reach is 5.25 inches.


In Bexar County, Texas, the Edwards Aquifer’s San Antonio Pool is recognized as the widemouth blindcat’s regular habitat. It’s present in water up to 1862 feet below the surface!


Along with other invertebrates and reptiles, the widemouth blindcat primarily consumes fish, insects, and crustaceans. Since it is an opportunistic feeder, it also consumes virtually anything that moves or vibrates, even other small catfish.

5. Wolf Spider of Kauai Cave

The tiny hunting spider known as the Kauai cave wolf spider has evolved to live in lava tubes! The only species of wolf spider that have acquired eyelessness is this one. Rather, it uses vibrational and chemical clues to find its prey in the surroundings. Its dimensions range from 0.50 to 0.75 inches.


High humidity is necessary for the Kauai cave wolf spider to survive moisture loss. It has only been discovered in the Hawaiian Islands’ deepest section of Koloa Cave. It is restricted to the most isolated and challenging to access cave regions.


The Kauai cave wolf spider is an opportunistic feeder, which means it feeds on other cave dwellers whenever it can. Its usual food consists of cockroaches, invading spiders, and the Kauai cave amphipod.

In summary

How astonishing is it to know that these species, despite not having eyes, are thriving? Finding out how they have developed and have adapted to their surroundings is intriguing. These eyeless animals are surviving because they have adapted to live in a habitat where they are not dependent on their sight!

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