An LAPD officer in Pacoima shot and killed a man who was apparently armed with a gun

Following a foot pursuit in the San Fernando Valley on Tuesday night, police shot and killed an allegedly armed suspect; the investigation is still ongoing.

About nine o’clock at night, in the Pacoima region, officers from the Los Angeles Police Department made an effort to stop a black BMW near Carl Place and Lehigh Avenue. Alexander Larios, a 20-year-old passenger, stepped out of the car as it stopped in front of the San Fernando Gardens Housing Project and began to run.

Larios was being pursued by police through the apartment building when an altercation broke out between him and the officers, which resulted in one of them firing shots.

Following the impact on Larios, emergency personnel made an attempt to save his life. After being brought to a nearby hospital, authorities claimed he was declared dead.

Authorities are looking for the driver of the BMW, who left the scene. Furthermore, neither spectators nor police were harmed in the incident.

The purpose of the investigation was to ascertain if the shooting was warranted.

To learn more about this case, please contact 877-LAPD-247.


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