Why the Time Change on November 3rd Will Make New York More Dangerous?

Why the Time Change on November 3rd Will Make New York More Dangerous?

Mark your calendars because a big change is coming to New York State soon. If you’re like me, this might be a time of the year you don’t look forward to. Fall and winter are just not my thing. I always wish I could be one of those people who loves the changing seasons and embraces the cold, but honestly, I’m a summer person through and through.

The dropping temperatures, the holidays, and just watching the days get shorter—it all makes the season harder to enjoy. But there’s one specific day that stands out and makes it even worse.

It’s the day that many of us dread: when we turn the clocks back. This year that will happen at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 3rd. It’s a terrible day for many reasons. Even people who like the seasonal change don’t enjoy this day.

Suddenly, it feels like the days are cut in half. It gets dark by 4:00 PM, and it makes leaving the house after sunset feel almost impossible. The evening drags on, and by the time it’s 8:00 PM, it feels like midnight because it’s been dark for so long.

But here’s the thing—this time change isn’t just inconvenient. It turns out it actually makes things more dangerous across New York State.

You might wonder why turning the clocks back would make New York more dangerous. Well, according to officials, the time shift can create more hazardous driving conditions and even negatively affect our health. This isn’t just an exaggeration—there’s some science and reasoning behind it.

Here are some of the negative things that happen when the time change kicks in:

  • An increase in traffic accidents: The extra darkness leads to more car accidents. People aren’t used to driving in the dark at earlier times, and visibility becomes an issue, making roads more dangerous.
  • Health risks: After the time change, people are at a higher risk of health issues like heart attacks and strokes. It’s a stressful adjustment for the body, and the health impacts can be more severe than most of us realize.
  • Mood changes: Many people report feeling more depressed, irritable, and generally sad after the clocks go back. The lack of sunlight can mess with our moods and overall mental well-being.
  • Sleep issues: Our sleep patterns get disrupted. Feeling tired during the day becomes more common, which also leads to things like drowsy driving or accidents at work. It’s harder for the body to adjust back to a routine, and the effects can last until the next clock changes.
  • Long-term impact: Believe it or not, the time change can affect our bodies for years. Even though it happens just twice a year, the shift in our natural rhythms takes a toll.

So, while some people like to say, “At least we get an extra hour of sleep!” the truth is that one hour isn’t worth all the negative effects that come with it. For years, people have been talking about the possibility of ending Daylight Saving Time altogether.

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But here we are again, getting ready to face it. So, what can we do? Can this frustrating practice finally come to an end? Who do we need to talk to about it? Because, honestly, enough is enough.

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