Caught on Camera: Woman Steals Cash from Boy, Slaps His Mom— Still Roams Free

Caught on Camera: Woman Steals Cash from Boy, Slaps His Mom— Still Roams Free!

A woman suspected of stealing money from a young boy and slapping his mother in a Bronx bodega is still wandering around the neighborhood, leaving locals frustrated that the police haven’t arrested her yet.

The incident took place at a small market on Jerome Avenue on September 24. The suspect, wearing a pink wig, was caught on camera poking her head into the store, where she approached a 7-year-old boy holding a few dollars.

Without hesitation, she grabbed the money from his hand and turned to leave. As she tried to exit, she bumped into the boy’s 38-year-old mother, who was pushing another child in a stroller.

In response, the suspect slapped the mother in the face and fled the scene.

Despite this alarming incident, locals say the woman is still hanging around the area. “She’s still walking around here.

I saw her like two days ago,” said a worker at Richard’s Fruits and Vegetables, the store where the robbery took place.

The worker, who lives in the neighborhood, mentioned that although the suspect initially ran away after the attack, she’s been seen strolling around the block again.

Caught on Camera: Woman Steals Cash from Boy, Slaps His Mom— Still Roams Free!

Erick Vidals, the co-owner of Richard’s Fruits and Vegetables, also recognized the woman from the neighborhood.

He expressed his frustration that despite her brave actions, the police haven’t caught her yet. “She was on the block, walking back and forth in front of my store for maybe five minutes,” Vidals said.

Vidals took action, calling 911 to report the woman’s presence. “I told them I got the lady who snatched the money from the little kid here,” he recalled.

However, Vidals was disappointed with law enforcement’s response. Instead of acting swiftly, the police asked for specific details about the suspect, such as her skin color, what clothes she was wearing, and the color of her hair. He felt these were unnecessary delays.

“When the cops finally arrived, about 15 or 20 minutes later, the first thing they asked was where she was. I told them she left,” Vidals explained.

He could only point the police in the direction where the suspect was last seen walking.

The officers told him they would head that way to search for her, but no one ever returned with updates. Vidals expressed his frustration, saying, “If they had shown up right away, they would have caught her.”

The NYPD has since told reporters that wanted posters featuring the suspect’s face have been distributed around the neighborhood as of Sunday.

However, the community remains uneasy, knowing that the suspect is still roaming free, especially after such a disturbing attack on a mother and child.

Residents are furious, feeling that the police response has been slow and ineffective.

They are left questioning how a suspect caught on camera, well-known in the neighborhood, and reported multiple times could still be walking around freely.

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For now, the community continues to keep an eye out, hoping that justice will soon be served.

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