Man In L.A. Jumps on Moving Fire Truck, Witnesses Horrible Firefighter Retaliation

The firefighters on the moving fire truck chased the man away when he attempted to stop it in Los Angeles, but TMZ has uncovered that the incident got even stranger.

For good reason, this video is going viral on the internet—it’s completely insane. Late last week, a random guy in South Central made an attempt to overturn an L.A. County fire engine that was reportedly responding to a car collision nearby.

Watch the video. The man appears out of nowhere as he sprints into the roadway, jumps onto the enormous moving car, and then begins reaching inside.

The fire vehicle pulls back, seemingly to shake the man off, but he hangs on tightly, seemingly attempting to grasp at the firefighters inside. After a while, the man gets pushed off by two firefighters who leap out and pursue him for a little while before running away.

The video finishes there, but according to law enforcement sources, the narrative is far from done. We are informed that once the man left, he turned around once more and started the engine once more. According to our reports, the fire truck continued to back up.

According to our sources, the man persisted in pursuing the firefighters inside, and when the police finally arrived, they were forced to forcibly subdue the man. Our sources say that after he was eventually subdued, he was handcuffed and taken to a jail.

We’ve been informed that this man is currently being charged with both criminal assault and interfering with a firefighter’s or emergency rescuer’s performance of their duties.

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Regarding the actual automobile accident that this fire engine was responding to, we’ve been informed that because this guy kept interfering, they had to send another unit to handle it.

Another day in the City of Angels, of course!


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